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Ever since my life changed a few weeks back and I'm no longer in a relationship I've gotten a lot of "advice" from people. However, there was some in particular I've heard A LOT... which usually goes something like this....

" Alysia, you have always been in relationships... you're young ... go out, have fun, play the field, flirt, party---- have a "fun" phase". When I mean fun I mean FUN (wink wink).

Yes, I know this is a typical stage most go through after a break up, because I guess it makes you feel better? But, honestly it is just something I cannot do! I mean don't get me wrong I do have a few girls nights in the works and I'm down for going out and having a good time. But, I am just not one of those girls who need to party with random men and hook up to feel better. I honestly, think it is quite unappealing actually and even when I see a guy/girl who just broke up doing this or trying to -it is immediately followed by an eye roll and disgust.

I'm looking for that old fashion love one day ( key emphasis on the words ONE DAY)- and I know doing any of the above just won't get me there. I'm also super "old fashion" and like to hold a certain meaning to things. So, I rather focus on spending that time doing things I actually love and make me happy.

Personally, I don't need a few dozen guys to swipe right ( is that what they are suppose to do?) , I don't need to follow a bunch of hunks on Instagram or to have random men grope me at a club to feel sexy and wanted still. I am pretty confident in what I bring to the table and I don't need a random man to reassure me that I still got it.. because baby, I know I still got it ;) ... ( Please note I am saying this in the least cocky way as possible).

I think it is important for us women to know who we are, what we bring to the table, and to feel sexy and wanted without the help of a man. We need to realize that anyone who let us go just isn't worth our time and that we don't need to feel unwanted or lowered because it didn't work out with one man. We do not need to settle for someone who does or didn't see our full worth. Don't worry I went through this phase too where I was being hard on myself... then I had a wake up call and realized "Why the fuck am I questioning my worth?"...

Personally, I'm not looking for temporary satisfaction - I know what I want and I know I'll get it when the time is right. I rather focus this time on spending it with people I care about, having some laughs, making new memories, and building a better me. So, that is what I am doing... and I feel AMAZING. I also recommend anyone who is going through a break up or who is single to do the same thing. Honestly, doing so will fulfill you way more than any foggy night in a bar. Just do what makes you happy (if that is the foggy night in the bar... you do you girl!) - not saying every day you will feel like a million bucks. But, honestly I can bet you any money after some time, some new memories, and some self love - you WILL feel the best you have ever felt.

I already feel so much better- I honestly feel like I found myself again. I feel like the real Alysia again and I'm so excited to see where life takes me. I feel confident in who I am and what I have to offer, I know any man would be lucky to call me his and I'm also having an amazing time living for my daughter and I. So - I may not be recovering from a break up like the way you see it in a movie or how most people now days do... but I'm doing just fine.

You will catch me dancing away in a car to throwbacks with my sister, working towards my career goals, going out on fun dates with my daughter, reconnecting with people I should have never said goodbye to , drinking one too many glasses of white wine, and sweating my ass off in the gym ... and whatever else makes me happy!

Let this post be a reminder to do what makes you happy and feel the most fulfilled, heal in your own way... and most importantly realize that you are fucking amazing and anyone would be lucky to have you! You DO NOT need a man or woman to make you feel like you are good enough.

Have an amazing Monday - and I'll be back with more regular posts shortly!

Until next time,

Alysia xo

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